Nation's Largest and Oldest Latino Civil Rights Organization Vows to Support Dreamers Until Justice Is Done!
September 14, 2023
For more information, contact David Cruz at (818) 689-9991
Washington, DC - In a profoundly concerning federal court decision, U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen has declared the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program illegal, casting a shadow of uncertainty and injustice over the lives of hundreds of thousands of Dreamers who have long called America home. While Judge Hanen's ruling may not immediately terminate the program, it jeopardizes the future of DACA recipients. The League for United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), representing the voices of countless individuals and communities, vehemently denounces this decision.
LULAC National President Domingo Garcia aptly summarizes the outrage felt by our organization and Dreamers across the nation: "Once again, Dreamers are being made political targets by politicians who engage in fear-mongering and scapegoating. When is this travesty of destroying lives for political gain enough? Have they no sense of Christian charity? LULAC will support our Dreamers until justice is done."
DACA has been a lifeline for young individuals brought to the United States as children, providing them with an opportunity to contribute to the nation they call home without living under the constant threat of deportation. Lydia Guzman, LULAC National Immigration Committee Chair, urges immediate action: "Congress needs to act now. Waiting is no longer an option. Stop playing election gamesmanship with people's lives. Basta!"
Dreamers have become integral to our nation's fabric, contributing their talents, skills, and dedication daily. Jose Barrera, LULAC National Vice-President for the Far West, underscores their importance: "The court's actions again deny otherwise law-abiding men and women the recognition we deserve. Dreamers contribute daily to the economic strength, brain power, and labor resilience that benefits all Americans. It is time to stop the hypocrisy of those politicians whose districts take advantage of our presence. Still, they turn around and, for purely political reasons, vote against comprehensive immigration reform, including DACA. Remember them when you go vote in 2024."
Judge Hanen's ruling raises critical questions about the path forward for DACA recipients. While acknowledging the plight of these young individuals, Hanen emphasizes that the authority to address this issue lies with Congress. We recognize that DACA is not a permanent solution but a critical stopgap measure, and it is incumbent upon Congress to take decisive action to provide a clear and lasting path to citizenship for Dreamers.
The League for United Latin American Citizens calls upon the Biden administration to vigorously defend DACA in the higher courts and to work tirelessly with Congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform that addresses the needs of Dreamers and the broader immigrant community. We implore our elected officials to prioritize the rights, dignity, and future of these young individuals who have persevered and thrived in the face of adversity.
We must not forget that DACA was created to right a wrong, provide hope, and acknowledge Dreamers' profound contributions. Our collective responsibility is to ensure that this hope endures, that justice prevails, and that the dreams of these young individuals remain alive and thriving. The League for United Latin American Citizens stands firmly alongside Dreamers, advocating for their rights and demanding a more just and compassionate immigration system for all.