LULAC Takes Action As Congress Makes Progress On New COVID Relief
Nation’s Oldest and Largest Latino Civil Rights Organization Says Aid Must Include Vulnerable Communities Including U.S. Born Children

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Congressional leaders are close to a deal on stimulus checks in the next COVID-19 relief package. LULAC states that it is critical to ensure this package includes Americans who did not receive any help during the last round of stimulus, including American children and their non-citizen parents.
The fact is that millions of Americans were left out of the stimulus checks issued earlier this year because their spouse or parents were non-citizens. Excluding mixed-status families and individual ITIN filers, who work and pay taxes, from urgently needed legislation is unacceptable given the disproportionate impact COVID-19 has had on many of these families.
"We are pleased to hear that Congress is moving in the right direction to provide needed relief for our families before the holidays,” says Domingo Garcia, LULAC National President. “However, we must make sure this new relief includes those communities affected the most by the pandemic. Leaving out mixed status families is not just short sighted, it is cruel,” he adds.
LULAC is urging its members and every fair-minded American to contact elected officials in Congress and call for speedy action on these relief measures. “Our essential workers, which includes workers with ITINs, have already suffered enough and they are still showing up to work day in and day out,” says Sindy Benavides, LULAC Chief Executive Officer. “Both sides of the aisle need to come together to provide relief for all of our workers and families. It is important that we do not turn our backs when they have helped so many of us stay safe while keeping the American economy going,” she added.
The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) is the nation’s largest and oldest civil rights volunteer-based organization that empowers Hispanic Americans and builds strong Latino communities. Headquartered in Washington, DC, with 1,000 councils around the United States and Puerto Rico, LULAC’s programs, services and advocacy address the most important issues for Latinos, meeting critical needs of today and the future. For more information, visit