LULAC Calls Paxton Lawsuit On Immigration A Publicity Stunt
Nation’s Oldest and Largest Latino Civil Rights Organization Says Texas Attorney General Lacks Standing or Ethics

Washington, DC - Leaders with the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) are labeling as desperate and a weak distraction, the actions of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton who is currently facing criminal charges for corruption. On Tuesday, a federal judge granted a temporary restraining order in favor of Paxton’s lawsuit on behalf of Texas to block President Biden’s 100-day moratorium on deportations of undocumented immigrants.
Luis Roberto Vera Jr. - General Counsel for the League of United Latin American Citizens
“I would tell Paxton and those who support his lawsuit, don’t get too excited yet. This really doesn’t mean anything. The courts can’t interfere with executive orders as long as they’re not unconstitutional and let’s not forget that much of what Trump did on immigration was by executive order. He always claimed it was in the national interest. Paxton likes a lot of publicity at a time when he’s facing five different indictments in pending federal investigations. This lawsuit doesn’t have any significance yet. It’s too early.”
Linda Chavez - LULAC National Board Member - Vice-President for the Southwest
“LULAC has witnessed the pain and suffering of families ripped apart by our broken immigration system. Law-abiding men and women who have lived and worked for years in this country, paid their taxes and contributed as essential workers and even as soldiers have been deported. It’s time our country comes together, finds a solution that benefits America’s future and we stop playing partisan politics with people’s lives. Ya basta!”
Rodolfo Rosales Jr. - Texas LULAC State Director
“Attorney General Paxton cites no valid legal basis for this action to demand a stay in the 100-day moratorium. That is President Biden’s prerogative. States don’t have standing when it comes to immigration policy. That is a federal responsibility so why the judge would grant Paxton standing is questionable because the state of Texas does not control the immigration policies of the United States. I would like the U.S. Attorney General to appeal this decision to the Fifth Circuit and even go to the Supreme Court if we must and contest this matter. I definitely would challenge the federal judge’s logic.”
The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) is the nation’s largest and oldest civil rights volunteer-based organization that empowers Hispanic Americans and builds strong Latino communities. Headquartered in Washington, DC, with 1,000 councils around the United States and Puerto Rico, LULAC’s programs, services and advocacy address the most important issues for Latinos, meeting critical needs of today and the future. For more information, visit