March 29, 2023
For more information, contact David Cruz at (818) 689-9991
Nation's Oldest and Largest Latino Civil Rights Organization Acknowledges the Many Roles and Responsibilities They Shoulder As Leaders
Washington, DC - The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) says that while March is observed as Women's Month, their role is critical year-round. They deserve to be recognized for their many personal and professional attributes and achievements.
"In a matter of just a few days, the LULAC National Women's Commission, sponsors, and many stakeholders from throughout the country will gather in Los Angeles for the 2023 Empowering Women Conference April 14-15," says Emma Lozano – LULAC National Vice-President for Women. "I am extremely proud that LULAC recognizes the vital leadership role women have twelve months a year across so many different walks of life. Today, more than ever, women are stepping outside their family role and assuming the reins at the helm in their communities and corporations in every field. They are no longer defined solely by the vital responsibilities they shoulder within their families. However, we will always value greatly the unique importance our culture places on the matriarchs. I salute you, one and all, and am honored to serve with you," she adds.
Throughout the history of LULAC since its founding in 1929, women have played a prominent role in shaping the organization's local, state and national voice and policies. In the earliest images in our archives, we see women engaged in LULAC activities. Also, LULAC has elected women to its highest office as national presidents, including Belen Robles, Rosa Rosales, and Margaret Moran. Similarly, countless other women today are actively involved at all levels of the national body. These include Elia Mendoza, Mari Corrugedo, Lupe Torres, Summer Gonzales, Lydia Medrano, and Gloria Sasser. Their presence in the deliberations of critical decisions and issues has a lasting impact on the current and future direction of LULAC.

"Here in Washington, DC, I meet with our partners and supporters daily who respect the ongoing importance of LULAC as an organization that values women," says Rafaela Schwan, LULAC Interim Chief Operating Officer, appointed by President Domingo Garcia. "Indeed, never before in the history of LULAC have so many women been appointed to leadership roles as we have seen under this administration. We have Gloria Leal, the first Latina General Counsel in our 94 years, Delma Gorostieta, a Latina Dreamer leading as Vice-President for Young Adults, Analuisa Tapia as a female Sergeant-at-Arms, Professors Angela Valenzuela and Teresa Montaño as Co-Chairs of the LULAC Higher Education Committee, Caroline Crozier, Innovation and Technology Committee, Hilda Duarte-Ramirez as National Chaplain, and Lydia Guzman as LULAC Immigration Chair. To each and all, LULAC says felicidades for all you do," adds Schwan.